Firm Overview
McConnell Valdés
270 Avenida Muñoz Rivera
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Founded in 1946, McConnell Valdés LLC is one of the largest Hispanic-owned law firms in the world. With close to 100 lawyers, it is recognized as one of the top firms in the region, and the largest in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean. It is a full-service law firm with practice areas covering virtually every aspect of doing business in Puerto Rico.

Chamber & Partners
Law Firm of the Year

Chamber & Partners
Law Firm of the Year

Chamber & Partners
Law Firm of the Year
2012 - 2013




Practice areas
McV is organized in six Practice Groups: Corporate, Environmental, Energy & Land Use, Labor & Employment Law, Litigation, Real Estate & Finance and Tax. We also have 37 inter-disciplinary Practice Teams.
Acts 20 & 22 Tax Incentives
Alternate Dispute Resolution
Antitrust & Trade Regulation
Aviation & Aerospace
Bankruptcy & Debt Restructuring
Bids & Government Procurement
Business Immigration
Commercial Financing
Consumer Bankruptcy
Corporate & Public Finance
Distribution & Franchising
Employee Benefits
Entertainment & Media
Financial Institutions
Government Affairs
Government Enforcement White Collar Defense
Health Care
Hospitality Industry
Infrastructure/Private-Public Partnerships
Intellectual Property
International & Cross Border Transactions
Mergers & Acquisitions
Non-Profit Organizations
Product Liability
Project Finance & Housing Development
PROMESA Task Force
Recovery Financing

contact member
Director General
Arturo J. García-Solá
Socio Capital
Salvador F. Casellas
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McConnell Valdés
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